Introduction of myself.

 Hi!! My name is Dechen Yangtsho Tobgyel. I am from Zurphey, Zhemgang. I am 13 years old, I study in Lungtenzampa Middle Secondary School in 8th grade. I like cooking,baking and also dancing.😄

Most of the time I spent my time listening to music 🎶. From all the song I’ve listened my favorite one is “Happy for you” by Rigsel Wangchuk, the lyrics are so relatable. This song is a greatest recommendation to y’all since most of them are leaving their loved ones,family and friends behind and moving to another country. 

My Ambition is to become a doctor. I think becoming a doctor will not only benefit the people who are sick but also our own country. It’s important to know about our own health, doctors check our health and make sure that we are healthy and strong so that we won’t have to face any problem after checking up. Right now while I’m studying I will try my best and study hard, to make my parents proud and make myself a good example for the younger ones🥰

That’s all about me! THANK YOUU❤️
